


Timothy Horton


Timothy is an architect with experience spanning the public and private sector. Common throughout has been a deep interest in civic space and the role for design in shaping human-centred urban policy.

In 2010, Tim was appointed Australia’s first Commissioner for Integrated Design, advising the governments of Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill in design, planning and development across local, state and national policy, programs and projects.

The Commissions’ flagship project was an urban pilot bringing together 3 levels of government, university research and over 70 professional peak bodies and community groups.

He has held positions as state President and National Director of the Australian Institute of Architects, and advised the Australian Government as a member of the editorial board for the Australian Urban Design Protocol and the Built Environment Industry Innovation Council.

Tim holds Board positions on the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network, the CRC for Low Carbon Living, the Australian Design Alliance and South Australia’s leading craft and design body, Jam Factory.


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